Embarking on a job search as an international student can present unique challenges and opportunities. Join us for an empowering workshop designed specifically for Costello College of Business's international students, where we'll provide essential guidance and resources to help you navigate the U.S. job market with confidence.
This hybrid workshop takes place in person in Enterprise Hall 038 and virtually on Blackboard. If you are attending virtually, please join the Blackboard meeting 10 minutes prior to the start of the workshop from a laptop or desktop computer - do not attend using a smartphone or other mobile device as you will need to be able to both edit your resume and show it to your reviewer during the workshop. Cameras are not required, but you will need to be able to use a microphone to participate - you should attend from a quiet space where you will not be interrupted.
You can join the virtual meeting by clicking this link or copying this URL into your browser: bit.ly/CCBCareerWorkshop.
RSVP required to attend.
Questions? Contact Costello College of Business Career Services at mycareer@gmu.edu or 703-993-2140.